Call for Papers

National Counter Terrorism Authority (NACTA) is playing a significant role to improve the
understanding of the dynamics of terrorism and extremism in Pakistan. Conducting research
regarding countering extremism and terrorism is one of its major functions. In this regard, NACTA
publishes a research journal. “Pakistan Journal of Terrorism Research” (PJTR) which is a peer reviewed, bi-annual journal with ISSN: 2708-2946 (Online), 2708-2938 (Print).
For publication of its 2nd issue of Volume-5 (July-December, 2023), the latest research work by
renowned academicians/researchers is required in the field of Counter-Terrorism and Countering Extremism. All researchers are hereby encouraged to share their work as per the given
specifications here with NACTA for possible
publication. Papers on the following themes will be given preference
1. Extremism in Pakistan: Issues and challenges
2. Countering online propaganda and extremism
3. Role of social media in countering violent extremism in Pakistan
4. Effectiveness of dialogue and reconciliation in ending political violence and terrorism
5. Trend analysis of terrorism in Pakistan after implementation of the National Action Plan
6. Strategies for security management in Pakistan: A roadmap for peace and national security
7. Educational initiatives in counter-extremism in universities
8. International approaches to preventing and countering violent extremism
9. A Multidimensional Analysis of Religious Extremism
10. Artificial intelligence to combat extremism
11. Counter measures of islamophobia: the best strategies from around the globe
12. Cyber terrorism and its impact on national security
13. Critical evaluation of NISP (2018-2023)
14. An evaluation of non-governmental initiatives on the significance of peace education in
battling violent extremism in Pakistan
15. Peace studies in the age of information
16. The ethnic dimensions of extremism and terrorism: A case study of Pakistan
17. Peace and security education for sustainable national development
18. Analysis of terrorism incidents in Pakistan
19. Any innovative topic related to counter violent extremism/ counter terrorism
Note: Complete paper along with a CV of the researcher should be submitted to NACTA by 30th
August,2023. A manuscript may be submitted at: or
For any query contact on Tel: 051-9216573, 051-9216574 (Ext: 140,116)

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