Radicalization of Women in Pakistani Madrassas: A Case of Jamia Hafsa


  • Hina Mughal


Radicalization, Extremism


This paper examines the underreported phenomenon of radicalization among women in Pakistani madrassas, with a particular focus on the cases observed at Jamia Hafsa in Islamabad. The covert support of extremist groups such as Daesh and Tehreek-e-Taliban Pakistan (TTP) by female students at these madrassas presents a potential threat, particularly given the increasing penetration of ISIS ideology in the region and the TTP's revived recruitment efforts that targets women. Adopting a qualitative methodology, this research combines primary and secondary data sources, analyzed through a descriptive and analytical framework using discourse analysis. Despite its increasing significance, the process of radicalization among young girls attending Pakistani madrassas remains under-explored in existing literature. This research seeks to address this gap by investigating the case of Jamia Hafsa. The paper concludes by proposing practical measures that can help prevent and counter radicalization of women in Pakistani madrassas.


