Silent Sufferers Unveiled: Exploring Women's Trauma through Shahnaz Bashir's Scattered Souls


  • Sanabil Mohsin
  • Dr. Mazhar Hayat
  • Dr. Saira Akhter


Narratives, Conflict, Resilience


Since the partition of the subcontinent in 1947, Indian-occupied Jammu and Kashmir has been subjected to aggression and state terrorism. Narratives are abundant with sombre and unresolved stories due to the ominous presence of violence. The aftermath of this violence significantly affects ordinary citizens who are the ‘insignificant others’ of society and unnoticed victims. Their suffering remains unspoken, untold and obscured in comparison with grander political narratives. The paper delves into the overlooked and ignored narratives of women enduring suffering silently in the face of state violence, specifically focusing on Shahnaz Bashir's poignant collection of short stories, Scattered Souls. Against the backdrop of the longstanding illegal occupation of Kashmir, the research underscores the unvoiced trauma experienced by women who bear the brunt of violence and loss. Drawing from Cathy Caruth's Trauma theory, the study centers on Bashir's vivid accounts of women's distressing experiences, encompassing the loss of family members and vanished husbands. This research aims to bring to the fore these marginalized voices that are suppressed by larger nationalist Hindutva narratives. Bashir's stories, acting as conduits, offer a glimpse into their concealed struggles, revealing the suppressed emotions and resilience of Kashmiri women in the face of occupation.


