Beyond Military Operations: Fostering Good Governance and Resilient State-Society Relations in Newly Merged Districts ( A Counter-Terrorism Strategy)


  • Dr. Rehana Saeed Hashmi


Constitutional Reforms, NMDs, Terrorism, Resilient State-Society relationship, Governance


Newly Merged Districts (NMDs), formerly known as FATA, have historically remained underdeveloped and isolated regions of Pakistan. The areas remained politically backward, even though the central government has over the years introduced numerous reforms. The year 2018 brought a drastic constitutional reform when FATA was merged with Khyber Pakhtunkhwa, and the NMDs were created. However, introducing state institutions and improving governance structure in the area remains painfully slow. Moreover, with the recent surge in terrorism, the NMDs once again find themselves at the centre of this evolving national crisis. This research seeks to provide policy recommendations for decision makers by exploring prospects of a trust-building approach and resilient state-society relationship. For the purpose of this research, a qualitative research design incorporating in-depth interviews with the locals has been duly utilized.


